
About us informationetworks.com is the largest online news website globally. Our extensive reach is marked by over 80 million users each month. informationetworks.com was founded in 2023, and since that time we have grown to become an award-winning company of dedicated journalists. We focus on breaking topics in news and business. We also produce bright entertainment content and engaging human interest stories. Our team is made up of content creators that thrive in a fast working newsroom that is dedicated to not only breaking news as it happens but to breaking down the information into consumable content through follow-up articles and reader engagement. This places us as one of Facebook’s top publishers globally. Our user-friendly website makes it easier for our audience to enjoy a seamless reading experience. Our Manifesto informationetworks.com is an independent media house with no affiliations to any individual or government. Our audience believes in us, we work hard to build their trust and meet their expectations through unbiased and factual reporting. We aim to collect information from trustworthy sources, systematize it and explain it understandably and neutrally in English and Swahili languages. As a result, we provide high-quality, reliable, and affordable media products related to different spheres of people's lives, including culture, education, technology, etc., for promoting knowledge, political stability, and economic prosperity. We strive for an unbiased output in our work. We double-check our facts before publishing and avoid using misleading or clickbait headlines. Technology. We apply cutting-edge technology to create the newsfeed based on people's preferences and to improve the site speed Tolerance. We stick to the "do no harm" policy, show the world in its diversity and never justify violence. Read more: https//:informationetworks.com/about-us